Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mood boring gak :(

Today I was literally so bored that I decided to clean my room. I haven’t cleaned my room in over 8 years…
(Gambar ehsan dari google jugak)

huhuhu, dah nk masuk 10 bulan keja kt kekononnye declare International, huhuhu, ha ah, mmg International, tp, in term of attitude sesetengah org tu, still lg levelnye masih kt kampung.  Ksian ler bile tengok keadaan sesetengah org yg mengaku diri tu mcm great sangat, tp x pun :(.

Tp, sebenarnya, hati ni terharu sangat, dgn one of actually new colleague yg actually dah more than 5 years in this company.  Dah 2 kali die mention, die akan bawak aku balik skali if she balik on time, & the best part is she is chinese.  Die dok kt setia Indah, but still die quite concern about me. Terharu....(hahaha, kekonon, kah2)
Tapi sebelum nih, ada more than one friends yg dah anto aku smpai kt umah jugak.  Aku rasa dorg seme ikhlas, tp x taulah :(, aku kan suke berperasanka baik kt seme org, org je suka amk kesempatan kt aku.

Tp, mcm org ckp, seme kesabaran ada batasnya, hahaha, ada kang jadik mcm kes kucin atas ni kang.....

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