Friday, September 28, 2012


(Gambar dari Mr. Google)

 From Bridget Menezes

Seeing the virtue in others

What is love? Love is knowing deep down that if I help others, I am only helping myself.  If I harm another, I am only injuring myself.  When we realise that we can live together in harmony, conversely, if we love one another and see the positive points of others, then we are laying the foundation for a strong, loving society.
Often, we exaggerate the defects of others and highlight our good points.  We should in fact appreciate the virtues of others and praise them.  No one is perfect.  No matter how many defects a person may have, he would still have at least one virtue and we should learn to see it.  True love for others enables them to be free from their weaknesses.  There is a desire to see them improve.  Their negativity is not repeated to the self or to others.  There is also genuine love and concern to help the other person recognise his own specialities.  He is encouraged to use them for his own benefit.  For me, love is a gift that is free from anticipation.  There are no special conditions.  The deepest level is a selfless desire for others' happiness.  I infuse this warmth into everything I do.  I listen with my heart, and to the heart.  I let everyone know of the loveliness I see.

Ha, aku mmg suke kumpul seme article Bridget nih, kdg2 sebenarnya, seme nye very simple & bole diramal, but still ada ramai yg terlupa @ maybe x brp nak ingt hal2 yg remeh camnih.  Bagi aku, Love tu, very simbolik, susah nak dinyatakan dgn perkataan ayat melebar2 tp cukup dgn perbuatan yg menunjukkan kearah itu.  Love tu x semestinye utk kekasih, suami, tp bole pergi ke sesiapa, even mcm tom yot......:)

~Own Family~

(gambar dari google)

apa pun, aku tau, hanya kawan yg tau mcmana pendirian aku & family aku akan sentiasa sokong aku dari blakang.  Thanks to all yg tau mcmana pendirian aku :)

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Indahnya Ciptaan Allah :)

Indahnya ciptaan Allah kan? Aku ni tengah menghayati ler segala2 gambar yg ada kt google, yg bole menenangkan hati aku yg mmg tengah ribut kencang mengalahkan thypoon melanda nih.  Bile dipikir2 balik, dpt seko dok bela ni, bagus gak, ^-^, sapa suka sakitkan hati aku, aku lepas jek, bio kena baham, hahahaha

autumn .....

(Gambar dari google nih)

aduyai, dah makan coklat dah nih, tp hati masih x brp nak tenteram.  camne nih.....tulah, ni lah padahnya, klu asyik simpan, simpan, simpan, bile dah jadik tapaiiiii, haaaaaaaaaaaaaa, nilah jadiknye....

toing...toing... ha, ni  da mcm tom rod....(tp si jarah panggil ni tom yot....) haha.....
hish, xleh jadik nih, dah masuk air tahap maksimum nih, huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu

Mood boring gak :(

Today I was literally so bored that I decided to clean my room. I haven’t cleaned my room in over 8 years…
(Gambar ehsan dari google jugak)

huhuhu, dah nk masuk 10 bulan keja kt kekononnye declare International, huhuhu, ha ah, mmg International, tp, in term of attitude sesetengah org tu, still lg levelnye masih kt kampung.  Ksian ler bile tengok keadaan sesetengah org yg mengaku diri tu mcm great sangat, tp x pun :(.

Tp, sebenarnya, hati ni terharu sangat, dgn one of actually new colleague yg actually dah more than 5 years in this company.  Dah 2 kali die mention, die akan bawak aku balik skali if she balik on time, & the best part is she is chinese.  Die dok kt setia Indah, but still die quite concern about me. Terharu....(hahaha, kekonon, kah2)
Tapi sebelum nih, ada more than one friends yg dah anto aku smpai kt umah jugak.  Aku rasa dorg seme ikhlas, tp x taulah :(, aku kan suke berperasanka baik kt seme org, org je suka amk kesempatan kt aku.

Tp, mcm org ckp, seme kesabaran ada batasnya, hahaha, ada kang jadik mcm kes kucin atas ni kang.....

Bored Week.....

hish, haha, tulah, sebijik keadaan meow ni dgn keadaan aku this week....  x dpt nak di atasi langsung keadaan yg cam gn :(